"Ornament for Christ"
(Julia Bettencourt, Author)
Thank to all the ladies who came out to our Women's Breakfast and those ladies who helped make it such a success. We had a record 96 ladies & children attend! It was such a blessing to have our Children's Choir sing for us too!
Our devotional, "Ornament for Christ", we discussed adorning the inside, not the outside for Christ and to strive to be that "Perfect Ornament" that Christ wants us to be.
When we think of ornaments, something beautiful usually comes to mind. Shiny, bright, glistening, sparkling, and pretty are just a few words we use to describe them. The dictionary meaning from Webster says that an ornament is "anything serving to adorn; decoration; embellishment.
"The question is......
How well do we embellish the body of Christ? We can choose how we embellish and adorn the body of Christ by how we act as a reflection of what's in our hearts. As Christians, we are some kind of ornament, whether it is good or bad, dangling for all to see.
"The question is......
How well do we embellish the body of Christ? We can choose how we embellish and adorn the body of Christ by how we act as a reflection of what's in our hearts. As Christians, we are some kind of ornament, whether it is good or bad, dangling for all to see.
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible,even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God ofgreat price." 1 Peter 3:4
And remember,
1ST: Make sure you are saved!
2ND : Make sure you take as many people with you as possible!
3RD : SHARE JESUS with someone everyday!
2ND : Make sure you take as many people with you as possible!
3RD : SHARE JESUS with someone everyday!