And do whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. Col. 3:17 KJV

WOF Mission Statement

First and foremost is to lead others to Christ, to reach out to others by sharing the Good News and showing the Love of Jesus to others. We exist to glorify God, to serve God and care for others.

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor;
yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
Proverbs 31:20 KJV

** New Ministry **

Women of Faith Card Ministry

Isn’t it wonderful to know that you don’t have to be rich, famous, or influential to make a difference in someone’s life? All you have to do is care. One way of expressing that care is through the ministry of SLBC WOF Card Ministry. A card can bring Scripture, encouragement, and hope directly to someone’s heart. When you send a greeting card, you are not only remembering that person, but you are also saying, “God has not forgotten you.” If you know of someone you would like to have a card sent to, whether sick, discouraged, church member or just a friend, please see Betty Young or Vera Miles.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Women of Faith Breakfast

"Ornament for Christ"
(Julia Bettencourt, Author)
Thank to all the ladies who came out to our Women's Breakfast and those ladies who helped make it such a success. We had a record 96 ladies & children attend! It was such a blessing to have our Children's Choir sing for us too!
Our devotional, "Ornament for Christ", we discussed adorning the inside, not the outside for Christ and to strive to be that "Perfect Ornament" that Christ wants us to be.
When we think of ornaments, something beautiful usually comes to mind. Shiny, bright, glistening, sparkling, and pretty are just a few words we use to describe them. The dictionary meaning from Webster says that an ornament is "anything serving to adorn; decoration; embellishment.

"The question is......

How well do we embellish the body of Christ? We can choose how we embellish and adorn the body of Christ by how we act as a reflection of what's in our hearts. As Christians, we are some kind of ornament, whether it is good or bad, dangling for all to see.
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible,even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God ofgreat price." 1 Peter 3:4
And remember,
1ST: Make sure you are saved!
2ND : Make sure you take as many people with you as possible!
3RD : SHARE JESUS with someone everyday!

Our Dear Sister's in Christ:

As we approach our new church year, it is our prayer that we grow closer to the Lord and to each other. We all lead such busy lives, caught up in the day to day situations of life, that we tend not to focus on the most important person of all, Jesus Christ.

Our prayer is that we turn to the Lord and each other more than we ever have before. That our bond will grow stronger with Him and each other.

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecc. 4:12 KJV

This scripture is usually associated with weddings; God, The Bride & The Groom...The 3 Cords.I think of our church family, that together we will stand....and stand stronger with God as our "center" cord, and each one of us adds more strength to the family of God.

When one hurts, we all hurt, even God because He loves us so much.Imagine....not to have a church family, a family that from my own personal experience are more dependable, faithful and forgiving than my own family. People who come whenever needed and not just "whenever". We should be determined not to take our blessing of having a church family for granted, for we do not know what the future holds.

We are honored and humbled to be your Women of Faith Leaders for this coming year. We welcome your help, comments and suggestions that would help us better serve you, our church and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

Blessed to Serve
Betty & Vera